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Profil Khusnun Afifah, S.Pd.

Profil Khusnun Afifah, S.Pd., Guru Bahasa Inggris MAN 1 Bandar Lampung Khusnun Afifah or Miss Afifah, one of the English teachers at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The youngest of 5 […]

Profil Khusnun Afifah, S.Pd., Guru Bahasa Inggris MAN 1 Bandar Lampung

Khusnun Afifah or Miss Afifah, one of the English teachers at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The youngest of 5 siblings was born in 1997 in Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung. Born and raised in a small village called “Sumber Bahagia Village” really made her grow and become a teenager with an abundance of happiness. The village is full of sweet memories especially with her parents and beloved family.

Fifi, usually her family call her, studied at SDN 2 Sumber Bahagia and graduated in 2011. After that, she continued to SMP N 1 Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung. A school that holds many memories with friends and teachers. It is the most memorable teenage years for her. Met good friends and teachers as well. She started to like English lesson when she was in the 8th grade. Mrs. Decy, a teacher whose so inspiring that made she slept by bringing a dictionary because she was interested and curious about English. May Allah always give her His mercies and blessings.

After graduating from SMPN 1 Seputih Banyak, she continued her studies to SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Seputih Banyak and graduated in 2014. This school also gave many sweet memories for her. In there, she joined the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IPM). She studied about Islamic values more and finally decided to wear the hijab (not just at school).

Then, she continued her education at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, of course, majoring in English Education. It was the first time she had lived away from Her Parents. In the 3rd year of her education, when she started compiling her final project, Her beloved mother was passed away. She was so sad and down. It seemed that she wasn’t enthusiastic about going to college, so she stopped working on her final project for a while. Until finally, the enthusiasm came back after she realized that she still had a father that she should to make Him happy and proud.

Time flies, her lectures were just waiting for the final. She has also made some plans to focus on getting a Masters Scholarship considering that her parents weren’t capable enough to finance her if she wanted to continue her studies. But one day, her father said “If you and your brother are married, I will be at ease”. So, she kept all of her previous plans and decided to get married in November 2018 at the age of 21, one month before she graduated from the college.

Decided to get married in a very young age in order to find the blessing of his parents, turned out to be the right choice for her. She got so much convenience after that. In December 2019, for the first time she registered for becoming a civil servants and then accepted at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung as an English teacher. The dream she had always dreamed of had come true. Being a teacher, being a useful person for others. In accordance with her life motto “The best human being is useful for others”.


Metode Pembelajaran: Pendekatan, Prinsip, dan Penerapannya di Dunia Pendidikan


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