Home Guru Profil Guru 2 Profil Iis Sholihah, M.Pd.
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Profil Iis Sholihah, M.Pd.

Profil Iis Sholihah, M.Pd., the English Teacher of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung Iis Sholihah is an ASN (civil servant) teacher at the ministry of religion who has been in charge […]

Profil Iis Sholihah, M.Pd., the English Teacher of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung

Iis Sholihah is an ASN (civil servant) teacher at the ministry of religion who has been in charge of teaching English at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Bandar Lampung since 2000 until now.

As the second daughter of eight children of Mr. Ahmad Suhandi.HD and Mrs. Santunah Mulud who have professional backgrounds as administrators and teachers at a family-owned Islamic education foundation. Iis Sholihah has been involved in teaching activities since she was a student at the Aliyah level.

Furthermore, when she had the opportunity to continue her undergraduate education at a state university in Lampung province, she chose the English Language Education study program at the Teaching and Education Faculty as the first priority on the basis of her interest in learning foreign languages.

Starting her career as an English teacher, from 1996-2002, Iis Sholihah taught at the Teknokrat College English Course Institute (now Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia) in Bandar Lampung. During her duties as a teacher at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, she once spent time giving English matriculation to students of IAIN Raden Intan (now UIN RIL) in 2008 – 2011. Then she continued her studies at the Postgraduate Program in Educational Technology, FKIP University of Lampung in order to broaden the perspective of understanding the world of education in the digital era and to be a career development as well.


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