Daftar Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis TIK
Daftar Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis TIK BAHASA INGGRIS REGULER Kelas X Semester 1 Semester 2 Kelas XI Semester 1 Semester 2 Kelas XII Semester 1 Semester 2 BAHASA INGGRIS […]
Daftar Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis TIK
Kelas X
Semester 1
- Narrative Text, Simple Past Tense and Temporal Conjunction
- Descriptive Text, Adjective, Simple Present Tense
- Procedure Text, Imperative Sentence, Temporal Conjunction & Adverb of Manner, Giving Instruction
Semester 2
- Exposition Text, Modal Verb and Passive Voice, Making Suggestions and Giving Advice
- Recount text, Expressing Hopes and desires
- Report Text, Expressing Cause and Effect
Kelas XI
Semester 1
- Narrative Text, Direct Indirect & Speech, Expressing Sympathy
- Descriptive Text, Specific Noun, Asking for information
Semester 2
- Analytical Exposition Text, Making Suggestions and Giving Advice
- Hortatory Exposition Text, Enumeration and Causal Conjunction
Kelas XII
Semester 1
- Narrative Text
- Procedure Text, Temporal Conjunction and Adverb, Asking and Giving Instructions
- Discussion Text, Thinking Verb and Connector, Expressing Opinion, Agreeing and Disagreeing
Semester 2
Kelas XI
Semester 1
- Narrative Text
- Simple Past Tense
- Action Verb
- Temporal Conjunction
- Expressing Sympathy
- Making Appointments
Semester 2
- Analytical Exposition Text
- Mental Processes Verbs,
- Evaluative and Emotive Words
- Enumeration and causal conjunction
- Modal Verbs and Passive Voice
- Expressing Opinions
Kelas XII
Semester 1
- Hortatory Exposition Text
- Evaluative and Emotive Words
- Temporal and Causal Connectives
- Mental Process Verbs and Simple Past Tense
- Modal Verbs and Passive Voice
- Making suggestions and giving advice
Semester 2
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